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The Saudi Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) defines the Bulgarian products offered on the Saudi market as high quality. Evidence is their seamless passage through their control system, which guarantees the safety and quality of food. This was made clear during a meeting between Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yanko Ivanov and SFDA Executive Director Dr. Hisham bin Saad Al-Jaddi in Riyadh. Imports of Bulgarian honey have recently been authorized in Saudi Arabia and the approval of a feed import certificate is currently underway.

“As the Kingdom is interested in Bulgarian veterinary products, we will work towards expanding their range for the Saudi market”, assured Prof. Ivanov. According to Dr. Hisham bin Saad Al-Jaddi, the SFDA will facilitate a simplified registration process.

A delegation from the SFDA will visit Bulgaria in November to present agricultural enterprises, farms and laboratories. "I hope that soon after the visit, the ban on the import of Bulgarian red meat and live animals in the Kingdom, imposed because of the disease nodular dermatitis, will be lifted", the Deputy Minister Ivanov said.

During his visit to Saudi Arabia Assoc. Prof. Ivanov also held meetings with representatives of local businesses.

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